Sunday, September 21, 2014

When One Overreacts

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~Riley Matthews

 Today like 20-30 minutes ago, I went outside with Maya, Lucas, and Farkle. We went to the big park. Maya and Lucas were discussing something personal (about me and Farkle??) and they were talking loud thinking we couldn't hear them. I told them we couldn't. I said, "Ha! We can hear you! We just tricked you because Maya's dumb!" I laughed. Maya was mad. Oh, seriously, grow up, it was a joke already! A joke. Can't take a joke? Well, then you might not wanna be friends with me, because I try to make people laugh. Seriously, she overreacted. She needs to realize it was a joke. Really, I wouldn't randomly be rude like that. It's just not me to do that. So, here are some quotes for this situation...

I am sick of people overreacting and stuff. Take a joke, it's not a big deal.

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