Monday, September 29, 2014

A Frightening Thought

I have two things to say. Both of them aren't based on each other. So, first one is, last night I was listening to Best Friends Forever on my DS and I had no headphones. I knew that by turning it way down, still would be a risk. So, I was tired and I wanted to turn off my DS. I went to turn the volume down and when I opened the DS, Best Friends Forever was cranked up so loud. I tried to close the DS, but my doll, Becky's hair got caught in it. I finally closed it. I was sitting there breathing SO hard. I said, "Nobody heard it. Nobody heard it. Nobody heard it. Nobody heard it" over and over to myself. Maya sat up and asked what it was. I struggled to get out Best Friends Forever. I began crying because it is now something people have heard even 1 second of. Broken Girl, nobody has heard 1 second.

The next thing is about muffins episode also known as Crazy Hat. I saw that they had it uploaded on Childstarlets because it aired on Disney. I clicked it, and the photos were unclickable (thankful). This one photo did catch my eye. Farkle and I were terribly close. We both were just staring at each other, facing each other. It freaked me out because well... WELL! I don't even think I have to say why it freaked me out! It's obvious!! Well, those are 2 frightening thoughts here on Take On The World. I hate saying that those are my thoughts. Also, I had admitting something. I'd rather the second one be true. I'd rather be with Farkle like that (which I will (ick!)) than have Best Friends Forever go public like that. Besides, somebody told me that friendship was more important. And, maybe Best Friends Forever isn't the only reason for Farkle. He's my friend and I will always be there. For my friends, I will always be there. So, that's it for VERY frightening thoughts.

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