Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Smackle Attack

So, I know I don't often post on here and I do apologize for that. Now, I have something important to write about. Yesterday, I was going through wikia reading things that were highly offensive and kinda hurt my feelings, majoritly because I thought maybe it was true. So, I was reading the wikias and then I decided to read the episode list, because people were saying something that I did in an episode. I went to the episode list to see if it was true, and it was apparently. So, I went back to wikia. I saw Disney's newest episode was called Girl Meets Smackle. I watched the promo, and I realized that a girl named Isadora Smackle had a crush on Farkle and Maya and I try and fix her up for Farkle. Seems nice, huh? "Finally we can get Farkle off our backs" says Maya. Yeah, she is happy with this. I on the other hand, I am not so happy about this. Farkle has liked me since the 1st grade. He loved me (although he is equally in love with Maya). He was with me for 7 straight years, and it gave me confidence to know that I am clearly dateable. If Farkle had an interest in someone else, Maya would be happy, and I would lose all my confidence. I have always had him to turn to for confidence, and I would be losing that. 7 straight years of him liking me would drain down the toilet. So, I want to find a way to get through this. Maya says I am jealous and maybe I am. Just like I said up there, she'd have all my confidence instead of me. So, Maya said she'd talk to Farkle. Hopefully she does!!!

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