Friday, September 19, 2014

That Apparent Thing

So, yesterday I was reading my wikia. My wikia said I was something called "neurotic." The weird thing is, neurotic means that you are suffering from anxiety. What is anxiety you ask? Well, let me tell ya! Anxiety is basically being anxious or nervous. It is an unpleasent state accompanied by nervous behaviours such as pacing back and forth. You can also get very easily jealous and lost in your own head. Neurotic is also basically when you obsess over someone's sad, unpleasent life and overreact about it. Apparently my dad had it too! My wikia even says so. Neurotic is also like OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). It's a major part of it. I took a neurotic test this morning and it had results for things that I will experience or that I am experiencing. One of them was OCD and that was my highest one over anxiety and other things. OCD is when you keep on repeating and doing the same thing. I do that a lot now that I think of it. There is proof I am neurotic (apparently) on wikia. Just search neurotic on Girl Meets World wikia and there will be 3 pages all involving me on results. So, that is apparently me. And my dad! Thank God I am not the only one!

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