Tuesday, September 16, 2014

ElderWisdomCircle: My Advice Stands

I now go on a website called ElderWisdomCircle where elders give you advice on anything. Previously, I submitted a letter about Farkle/Lucas thing. The elder, Jim, didn't give me the best advice, I have to admit. But I re-sent a new one. This time, it included Maya a lot. So, I'll put up my latest letter to them.

Your Letter: I Need Help Decision-Making! (#343541)

Hi, I'm Riley Matthews. I have 3 friends named Maya, Lucas, and Farkle. Maya is my best friend. Since the first grade, I've been friends with Maya and Farkle, and Farkle's had a crush on me since the first grade. Now he is equally in love with Maya. Lucas we just met this year. Ever since I met Lucas, I've had a crush on him. I've liked him, a lot. We bonded here and there, and I really liked him.

In the past 2 weeks or so, I've been connecting with Farkle more. We spent a lot of time together leading to kissing 4 times (5 if you count him kissing my chin, and me trying to back up). I've felt something for him, but I don't really know what. All I know, is that I like both him and Lucas. Farkle and I spend a lot of our time together (when I'm not with Maya). Out of Farkle and Lucas, I'm not sure who I like better. They both know about my problem and told me to follow my heart. They both said that they wouldn't mind if I chose the other, but I know my friends, they'd be pretty upset. I know it.

Then another thing is, Maya, my best friend seems jealous of me spending time with Farkle. Definently not because she likes him, but because she wants to be the one to spend time with me. So, I tell her that I will begin to spend time with her, and forget about Farkle. She denies it. She thinks I have a close relationship with Farkle, and that's good. So, I don't know what she really wants. Maya has personal family issues. Her dad left when she was 2 months old, and her mom pays no attention to her, so I feel bad that I don't spend time with her, because she doesn't even have a family to go home to.
What should I do" Should I choose Farkle or Lucas" Should I spend more time with Maya, or continue to spend time and bond with Farkle" Please help me! I really need it!

Elder Reply

See how Elder Reply is blank? Soon, it wont be because they'll reply to me.

This is it, my advice stands.

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