Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Offical Done Hamster Research -Completed-

Hi, it's Riley at 7:58pm!! It is time! It's officially time for the Official Done Hamster Research -Completed-. So, I've done research for a long time now. Now, I'm ready to share it with you! It's all from my mind, I have no research windows open. This is from my brain! Here it all is...

                             When Your Hamster Comes Home
When your hamster comes home, you need to be ready for him/her. They need to have a ready cage and supplies. They have to have everything you need to begin caring for your hamster!

As soon as your hamster comes home, he/she isn't used to human touch, most likely. Considering where your hamster came from, you shouldn't touch him for some days so he/she can get used to his/her new home. If he or she comes from a family who touched and played with him, feel free to hold him or her right away. Just first give them time to get used to you and the new cage and new surroundings. Soon, your hamster will be ready to play with you!

                             The Diet of Your Hamster
A hamster eats food just like us! But, they don't exactly eat the same type of food as we do. A hamster eats hamster food. You cannot feed them anything else. No other rodent food. Hamster food is what is healthy for them.

For a treat, hamsters usually prefer fruit. Although, you cannot feed them too much. If they get used to you feeding them fruit all the time, they wont eat their hamster food and they'll die. Also, if there are any leftover fruit bits in the cage or food bowl, because if they store it, they'll get chubby and a chubby hamster isn't good for you, or your hamster!

                                   A Cage for Your Hamster
Hamster cages are very important. It is where your hamster will live for the majority of his/her life. You need to make sure the cage has pet store boughten bedding. It's very important that your hamster has proper bedding. I would not recommend pine or cedar bedding. That is very uncomfortable for your hamster.

Hamsters also need toys and a hamster wheel in there, too. A hamster needs excersize while they live their daily lives and it is also great enjoyment for them, and for you! The hamster also needs his/her food bowl and drinking bottle. They need climbing play sets like ones you can buy at your local pet store, or sometimes they enjoy the ones that you make from hand! That's what I did for my hamster boy! They need to have a potty so they can be potty trained. It's important that your hamster goes to the washroom in a proper place.

The cages you can buy at your local pet store are best! Although, the colorful and designed ones with tubes and all that decoration isn't good. Hamsters need at least 360 square inches of floor space to run around in, even for a dwarf hamster! They need a lot of space! If you like decoration, decorate your barred cage the way you'd like!

                                  Hamster Occupation
Hamsters need play time most of the time. They should be usually occupied. The things that can occupy your hamster are things like a hamster ball to run around the house, a hamster wheel, chew toys, climbing equipment and much more! You can also play with your hamster to occupy him or her! They love your attention.

Hamsters enjoy playing outside, too. As long as you make sure he or she doesn't run off, they'll be extra safe and they'll have a lot of fun. Always have a hamster ball or something to keep track of him or her. No matter if they have a hamster ball, you should ALWAYS have your eye on them. Hamsters also enjoy sitting with you! They love getting to know you!

                               Bonding With Your Hamster
Many owners feel that they should have a bond with their little hamster, and they're correct. They really should. Having a bond with your hamster is one of the most important parts of owning a hamster! Do you need tips to bonding with your hamster? We've got some tips here!

  •  You can sit in the bathtub (WITHOUT WATER RUNNING) and put your hamster in with you. You can let your hamster run around and climb on you. They like that and they'll get used to you! 
  •   Hold your hamster close to you and let them smell you and know who you are.
  • Take your hamster places to play, like outside or in a small room with you. Let them smell you.
  • Feed your hamster little treats from the palm of your hand and they'll know you are safe.
 Those are 4 ways to bond with your hamster!

                            Bathing Your Hamster
Hamsters don't need to be bathed. They occasionally clean themselves, kind of like cats do. Although, you need to clean their cage so they don't become dirty. That's an important part of their hygiene.

You can give your hamster a sand bath. What a sand bath does is removes dirt from hamsters. You can purchase the proper sand for a hamster sand bath at your local pet store.

                            Sick Hamster
One of the most heart-breaking things in a hamster, and a hamster owner's life is the hamster getting sick. Don't worry, I know how to tell if your hamster is sick!

  • If you are noticing white spots on your hamster, this could be a sign of White Spot
  • If your hamster is wet in the tail or bottom area, this could be a sign of Wet Tail.
  • Sometimes your hamster will begin to shake, this is a sign of the common hamster cold.
If your hamster is experiencing this, don't hesitate, go to your vet now! Your hamster could be sick and you need to know! So, get him or her checked out for your hamster's health and safety!

                          The Outdoors with Your Hamster
Hamsters love playing outside with you! They like to run around in their hamster ball or in the grass. It is safe for them to eat the grass. You NEED to keep an eye on him or her at ALL TIMES. A bird could dive down any second and take your hamster for lunch if you are not watching them. This is easily preventable. They also like being on their hamster leashes, purchaseable at your local pet store. As long as you follow this, you and your hamster are sure to have fun in the great outdoors!

                           Sleeping Arrangements
Your hamster likes to sleep on the bedding that you purchase at your local pet store. They sleep during the day and sleep in the night. This is called being nocturnal. Do you like playing with your hamster during the day? Don't fear! Your hamster can easily get used to being up, and it will gradually become normal. Although, you should still have your hamster sleep in another room, as they can be noisy. Don't worry, it's completely normal! Be sure he or she does get sleep, though!

That's my research for a hamster. This has been Riley Matthew's offical done research. This will be my last blog post before the hamster arrival post, but before that we will have a hamster countdown at lunch at school at noon or so. So, have a good night everyone! Thanks for reading.

finished at 8:55PM

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