"Farkle and Riley" is the friendship/romantic pairing of Riley Matthews and Farkle Minkus. They are considered best friends.
Other names
- Farkley (Farkle and Rile/y)
- Rarkle (R/iley and F/arkle)
- Farley (Far/kle and Ri/ley)
- Friley (F/arkle and Riley)
Season 1
Girl Meets World
- Farkle says that he loves Riley.
- Farkle describes Riley as the sun, saying that "she lights up his day".
- Farkle flirts with Riley throughout the episode.
- When Cory wants to speak to Maya alone, Riley took Farkle for a walk.
Girl Meets Boy
This episode did not have many Farley moments due to the episode focusing on Riley and Lucas.
- Farkle states that he wants to make a clone of Riley (and Maya).
Girl Meets Sneak Attack
- Riley states that she loves her friends, meaning Maya, Lucas, and Farkle.
- Farkle comes to Riley's house (presumably to walk with her to school).
- Farkle and Riley sit next to each other while eating breakfast.
- Farkle is the only one to notice Riley watching Lucas and Missy through the window. He smiles at her and continues to stare until she walks in.
- Farkle says "We should have some faith in our Riley", showing that he trusts her. He also uses a possessive pronoun when referring to her.
- Farkle stared at Riley when she sticks her finger up Lucas' nose.
- When Riley accidentally sticks her finger up Lucas' nose, she asks Farkle what she should do next.
- Farkle does the same thing Riley just to Lucas, except to Maya.
- Farkle offers to bring Riley lunch.
- Farkle is sitting outside of Riley's window and crawls in to help her learn to flirt.
- Farkle says that he is always sitting outside of Riley's window.
- Riley says that Farkle is the biggest flirt in seventh grade.
- Farkle agrees to help Riley flirt with Lucas even though he loves her because he wants her to be happy.
- Riley lets Farkle sit with her at lunch.
- Farkle calls Riley his "protege".
- Even though he (apparently) despises Missy, Farkle flirts with her in order to steal her from Lucas for Riley.
- When he sees Riley (and Maya and Lucas) in detention, he joins them, telling Cory that if his friends are here, he belongs here too.
- After detention is over, Farkle is smiling at Riley significantly more than Lucas and Maya
Girl Meets Father
- When Farkle asks Riley and Maya to give him at least one dance each, Riley is the only one to agree.
Girl Meets the Truth
- During the school play where Lucas was going to kiss Riley, Farkle comes in and says "No one kisses my girl" and stops the play.
- Riley calls Farkle one of the best actors working in middle school today, even if it wasn't true.Farkle and Riley after their kiss.
- Riley didn't want to tell Farkle the truth because she was afraid of hurting his feelings.
- Riley made Farkle think that he is a great actor.
- Farkle kisses Riley on the chin for giving him confidence.
- Farkle throws his hands into the air as a sign of triumphant after kissing Riley
- Farkle is Riley's first kiss.
Girl Meets Popular
- Farkle only invites Riley to the party with his friends.
- Farkle has always thought of Riley being intellectual like them.
Girl Meets Smackle
- Riley and Farkle hugged each other.
- Riley comforts Farkle when he lost to Smackle.
Similarities and differences
- They are both students at the same school.
- They are both friends with Maya Hart and, eventually, Lucas Friar.
- They are both the same age.
- They both have Cory Matthews as their seventh grade history teacher.
- Farkle is male, but Riley is female.
- Farkle likes Riley, but she doesn't appear to like him back.
- Farkle has light-brown hair, while Riley has dark-brown hair.
- Farkle has blue eyes, while Riley has brown.
- Farkle and Riley are both straight A students.
- Riley's dad and Farkle's dad went to school together.
- Farkle's father had a crush on Riley's mom when they were kids.
- Farkle and Riley share several similarities with Cory and Topanga:
- They were friends throughout childhood.
- They share a more special relationship with their teacher than the rest of the class.
- They display unwavering loyalty to their friends.
- They will do everything they can to help their friends.
- They sit in the exact same places in their classes together, as Cory and Topanga did, the girl in the front row and the boy directly behind her.
- Farkle tends to enter Riley's room through a window, just as Cory did with Topanga.
- In their Shakespeare plays the boy played a spear carrier, while the girl played the female lead.
- They shared first kisses.
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