Thursday, November 20, 2014

I'm Not Serving

I am just plain tired of STUPID MAYA. She thinks I am going to serve her!!! Yeah right! It's been unfair like this since September, when it was just me. I haven't been 100% happy since September. I am not going to serve her to get my own rights. My own rights say that it should be fair! Maya logged into all of Farkle, Auggie and those people's accounts and unfollowed my blog. Hmm, I wonder how many subscribers I have?! The only person I will EVER even consider talking to again is Farkle. The other ones of them, well, I ain't talkin' to ya! Possibly Farkle, I might. He never really did anything wrong. Oh, and Lucas! Yes, Farkle and Lucas, I will talk to. I'll let them straighten me out. Besides, nobody even knows the secrets I need to tell Farkle. Seriously! Okay, there is only one, but it's a real keeper. Literally. Don't ask, I'm not telling you blog viewers! So, I'm not serving Maya, but I will TALK to Farkle and Lucas, not serve them. But, I love them so I'll talk to them the next time I see them (out of class time). Maybe at lunch, but they'll probably be with Maya. If I see them with Maya, then I actually will quit on these people because she'll be telling them the stories of how I'm bad, and she's so innocent. SHE'S NOT! GUILTY SHE IS. So, I'll talk to Farkle & Lucas on certain circumstances.

1. When they talk to me, they don't take Maya's side.
2. They don't make me serve them.
3. They don't sit with Maya at lunch. (Maybe not me too, but not her).
4. They/He (I don't know, one of them could be mean and the other could be nice??) actually consistently stays on my side, not just for an hour and then go see Maya.

So, those are my rules if I am gonna let myself be with one of them. So, the bottom line is, I am not serving, and the only ones I am talking to are Lucas and Farkle, until things work out. That's done.


  1. Your rights? You do not have a right-a-way right to just bring someone else in on us. Yes, it is an option but it is not right away given. You are lucky as hell that I am even giving you an oppertunity to bring this in because I could easily say no. If you would actually do your part in earning it, which actually isn't that hard! I am basically rewarding you by letting you bring this in to get my own rights. And yes, I do have a right to be treated with respect, everyone does, that is ACTUALLY a right. So you were right, I should'a realized that she could help me and I did, but I will let her in on one condition and not until the condition is proven. So if I were you, I would stop making it worse for yourself and adventually, if you keep doing this, I will be soo mad at you that I will never let this in. So if I were you I'd just do what you have to do and I will easily let you have what you want, if you will just give me my own rights! But not until then will I consider a thing. When there is a real change, I will consider highly. Make your choice because once you do, it is not changing. I will not accept your apology in a month, when you finally get the gutt to realize that I deserve to be treated how I was in the episodes and that is all you have to do to get my 100% approval. You decide.

    1. I am still going by what I said in this post. I am only talking to Farkle or Lucas for now. Once I talk to them, I'll be able to talk to you.

      Besides, you ALWAYS give me dirty looks and it's hard to approach you.

    2. if there is so much tension behind u guys why the heck is there girl meets world?

  2. There is no need for you to get into this. There is Girl Meets World because well, obviously there is the show. We can't always be getting along. That's unrealistic. Also, we don't choose if the writer's have the show.
